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1 EiMitch  Fri, Oct 7, 2011 8:03:15am

No, the protesters are not giving voice to our frustrations. They only represent that we're frustrated.

They should've formulated a goal before staging their protests. Otherwise, they're just pissing and moaning, and accomplishing nothing but getting on tv.

Oh, wait! I forgot. Their website said they'd discuss goals once they get there. **spoiler alert** That pretty much never works. **end spoiler

Formulating a goal before staging a long-term protest is common effing sense. I can only think of two possible, not-necessarily-exclusive reasons why a mass protest would not bother setting goals in advance:

1 - Its just protesting for the sake of protesting. They want attention, and don't really care what happens once they get it, so long as they don't lose it.

2 - They're staying cryptic in order to attract as many people as possible, instead of isolating any fringe nuts. Nevermind that this completely defeats any hope of forming a consensus once they're gathered. Who cares if this guy wants to reform the markets, while that guy wants to replace the markets with hardcore socialism? So long as they're both there protesting, nothing else matters.

This extreme enemy-of-my-enemy umbrella crap is what ultimately turned me off of libertarians way back when I naive enough to consider joining them. Yet, I'm now seeing it again on the left.

Or is it bipartisan? ... ... Oh, who really cares at this point? Whining for whining's sake is cool again! So, stop looking at me like that, dammit!

2  Fri, Oct 7, 2011 12:33:34pm
President Obama on Thursday called the “Occupy Wall Street” protests a reflection of a “broad-based frustration about how our financial system works” and pledged to continue fighting to protect American consumers.

The president, speaking at a press conference, said he had heard about and seen television reports on the recent protests on Wall Street, and noted that “I think it expresses the frustrations that the American people feel.”

I've been hearing that one of the BIG differences between the OWS "movement" and the tea party stuff is that the OWS wouldn't get mainstreamed into the Dem party. Is that now not true?

3 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Oct 7, 2011 1:03:34pm

re: #2

I wouldn't call it mainstreamed. It's one thing to acknowledge one of many talking points as being legit, it's quite another to embrace the whole movement.

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